Fiber Materials / Alfa Chemistry
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Nickel CVD Coated Carbon Fiber-55% Ni

Online Inquiry
Catalog ACMA00031200
Purity Coating Purity, min, 99% Ni
Density 3.17 g/cc
Content Nickel, typical 55 wt%
Electrical Resistance along tow, typical, 1.42, ohm / meter
Elongation min. 1.2%
Feature The ultimate combination of lightweight, strength, and conductivity properties:
Every filament in each tow bundle is uniformly coated with pure, ductile, smooth nickel.
Wide range of coating levels and fiber types, including aramid.
Short-fiber formats have excellent conductivity properties as an additive
Filament Count 12K
Form NiC Fiber tow
Linear Yield 839 feet/pound
Packaging 3-10 lb/spool
Tensile Modulus min. 30 Msi
Tensile Strength min. 400 ksi

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