Fiber Materials / Alfa Chemistry

Fiber Optical Properties Analysis

We know that characterizing and analyzing optical properties is a crucial step in the research and development of optical fibers. Here, Alfa Chemistry provides customers with professional and comprehensive optical properties analysis and testing services for fibers. Our fiber analysis laboratory has a strong technical infrastructure and a team of well-trained and experienced experts.

Optional Service Items

Fiber parameters can be divided into optical parameters and structural parameters. The former is related to the refractive index, which plays an important role in light propagation, and the latter represents the structural size of the optical fiber. Combining extensive analysis experience, advanced technology and interdisciplinary expertise, our team provides customers with comprehensive, systematic optical fiber performance analysis and testing services, as well as detailed analysis results and reports. Our testing items include but are not limited to:

Optical Parameter Analysis

  • Optical Parameter Analysis
    For optical fibers, several important optical performance parameters are refractive index, attenuation, cut-off wavelength, dispersion and dispersion coefficient, loss coefficient, nonlinear coefficient and so on. The cut-off wavelength refers to the minimum wavelength that satisfies single-mode operation. The number of modes in an optical fiber is related to the core diameter and the relative refractive index difference between the core and cladding. Generally, the larger the core diameter, the more modes, and the larger the cutoff wavelength. The larger the relative refractive index difference, the stronger the binding force of the fiber to light and the larger the cut-off wavelength.
  • Structural Parameter Analysis
    In addition to optical parameters, structural parameters are also important indicators that cannot be ignored in analyzing the performance of optical fibers. Optional analysis metrics include, but are not limited to, core diameter (module diameter), core, and cladding refractive index (or distribution on profile).

Analytical Technology

Optical parameter analysis methods of optical fiber include direct far-field scanning method, far-field variable aperture method, near-field scanning method, etc. In addition, the transmission power method can be used to measure the cut-off wavelength of single-mode fiber and cabled single-mode fiber.

The structural parameter analysis methods of optical fibers include refractive near-field method, transverse interference method, near-field light distribution method, etc.

Cooperate With Us

  • Experienced testing and research team
  • Meet customer needs at all stages
  • Efficient and cost-effective services
  • Complete and advanced infrastructure

Advanced Technology

As a high-quality supplier and service provider in the field of fiber materials, Alfa Chemistry continues to pay attention to the research and progress of fiber analysis technology to promote our own innovation and development. Recently, modeling equations for simulating multi-beam Fizeau interferograms have been reported. In this work, simulated interferograms can be used to determine the optical and structural parameters of PE fibers at different stretch ratios. [1]

Subfringe integration method stepsSubfringe integration method steps


  1. M.A.El-Morsy, Results in Physics, 2020, 18, 103230.

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