Fiber Materials / Alfa Chemistry

Fiber Orientation Analysis

Fiber orientation is critical to the physical properties of composites. Alfa Chemistry can provide fiber orientation analysis services in composite materials. Our fiber analysis laboratory has a strong technical infrastructure and a team of well-trained and experienced experts.

Optional Service Items

Combining extensive analytical experience and advanced technology, our team can analyze 2D or 3D images of material samples to accurately describe the microstructure, especially volume fiber ratio and fiber orientation. We provide detailed and comprehensive analysis results and reports based on your specific needs. Our services include visualization, processing and quantitative analysis of fiber materials to help understand important information about your fiber reinforcement, such as orientation distribution.

  • 3D visualization of local orientation analysis
  • Analyze local orientation to gain a qualitative understanding of fiber orientation within a sample or part.
  • Calculate local and global fiber statistical data
  • Examine the global orientation distribution in 3D
  • Evaluate orientation tensors, including corresponding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  • Evaluate local histograms and principal directions and deviation angles
  • Evaluate matrix porosity for each grid cell

Analytical Technology

Fiber materials, such as carbon or glass fibers (CFRP, GFRP), fabrics (multi-layer composites), fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) or organic fibers, are used in a wide variety of industries and fields (automotive, aerospace, etc.). Our various imaging technologies can analyze these materials.

  • Micro Tomography
    Micro tomography can produce images with sufficient resolution to study small diameter fibers (approximately 5-15 mm).
  • Confocal Microscope
    The technique involves performing multiple optical sections of the sample to construct 3D data. It can accurately estimate volume fiber ratio and fiber orientation.
  • High-Resolution 3D X-Ray Microscope
    Microstructures within a sample can be observed in a non-destructive manner by using an X-ray microscope that can transparently observe the internal area of the sample.

Optional Service Items

  • Computed Tomography
    By using computed tomography, it is possible to visualize the internal structures of materials in 3D, such as the microstructures in laminated batteries.
  • Micron Scale X-ray Computed Tomography
    Treat fiber cross-sections as particles and use algorithms designed to track particle trajectories to identify individual fibers in a deformed state and plot their coordinates. The figure shows the 3D rendering of a x × y × z = 0.27 × 0.14 × 0.72 mm volume of the laminate. [1]
  • Image Analysis Framework Based on Single Section Processing
    The technique uses prior knowledge of the expected material structure to calculate the true principal direction, fiber orientation distribution, and volume fiber ratio for each principal direction. It involves three steps: ellipse detection and fiber parameter estimation, fiber marking and line segmentation, and computation of characteristics of the reinforcement. The various stages of the method are summarized in the figure below. [2]

Overview of the approach.Overview of the approach.

Cooperate With Us

  • Experienced testing and research team
  • Meet customer needs at all stages
  • Efficient and cost-effective services
  • Complete and advanced infrastructure


  1. A. T. Zehnder, et al. Experimental Techniques, 2020, 44, 531–540.
  2. R. Blanc, et al. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2006, 37(2), 197-206.

Our products and services are for research use only.