Fiber Materials / Alfa Chemistry

Fiber Mechanical Properties Analysis

Alfa Chemistry provides comprehensive and systematic fiber mechanical properties analysis services. Our analytical testing services include but are not limited to tensile properties, abrasion resistance, resilience, and fatigue resistance. Our fiber analysis laboratory has a strong technical infrastructure and a team of well-trained and experienced experts.

Optional Service Items

Fiber materials are subjected to tension, bending, compression, friction and torsion during use, resulting in different deformations. Therefore, characterizing the mechanical properties of fibers is a necessary step to measure fiber quality. Combined with rich testing experience, our team can provide a variety of mechanical properties analysis services for customers' samples, and provide accurate and complete testing results and reports.

Optional Service Items

  • Tensile Properties
    Tensile properties are the most important mechanical properties of fibers. The main indicators to measure the tensile properties of fibers include breaking strength, elongation at break and initial modulus. To a certain extent, the higher the breaking strength, the less likely the fibers will break during processing. However, the breaking strength is too high, the rigidity of the fiber increases, and the hand becomes hard. Elongation at break is an indicator that reflects the toughness of fibers. The greater the elongation at break, the softer the hand feel, and the fabric is easily deformed. For industrial filaments, the lower the elongation at break, the less deformable the final product is. The initial modulus is used to characterize the resistance of the fiber to small deformations. The larger the initial modulus of the fiber, the less deformable it is.
  • Abrasion resistance
    Abrasion resistance of fibers refers to the ability of fibers to withstand external wear. The abrasion resistance of fiber is related to the macromolecular structure, supramolecular structure, elongation at break, elasticity and other factors of the fiber. The order of wear resistance of common fibers is nylon > polypropylene > vinylon > ethylene > polyester > acrylic > chlorinated fiber > wool multifilament > cotton > hemp > cupro fiber > viscose fiber > acetate fiber > glass fiber.
  • Elastic Recovery
    The deformation of a material under the action of external force (tension or compression), and the ability to restore the original state after the external force is removed is called elastic recovery. The elastic recovery rate can be expressed as follows:

Elastic Recovery

εe: Recoverable elastic elongation
εt: Unrecoverable plastic elongation or residual elongation
εt: Total elongation

  • Fatigue Resistance
    Fatigue resistance usually refers to the damage or destruction of fibers under repeated loads, or under static loads for a long time. Generally speaking, fibers with better resilience have higher fatigue resistance. For example, nylon has better resilience, and its fatigue resistance is better.

Our Analytical Technology

  • Pendulum Strength Tester
  • Electronic Strength Meter
  • Fiber Electronic Strength Tester
  • Friction Coefficient Tester
  • ...

Cooperate With Us

  • Experienced testing and research team
  • Meet customer needs at all stages
  • Efficient and cost-effective services
  • Complete and advanced infrastructure

Our products and services are for research use only.