Fiber Materials / Alfa Chemistry

Fiber Physical Properties Analysis

There are many indicators to measure the physical properties of fibers. Alfa Chemistry provides comprehensive fiber physical properties analysis services, including but not limited to length, fineness, density and other parameters. Our fiber analysis laboratory has a strong technical infrastructure and a team of well-trained and experienced experts.

Optional Service Items

Combined with rich analysis experience, our team provides customers with a wide range of fiber physical properties analysis services, as well as detailed and accurate analysis and testing reports. The scope of our fiber physical performance index analysis includes:

  • Fiber length
  • Fiber density
  • Fiber fineness
  • Fiber micromorphology
  • Fiber hygroscopicity
  • Fiber tortuosity
  • Fiber defect
  • ...

Overview Of Typical Parameters


Fineness is the degree of fiber thickness, which is divided into direct index and indirect index. Direct indicators are generally expressed by the diameter and cross-sectional area of the fiber. The indirect indicator is determined by the fiber quality or length, that is, the quality or length of the fiber at fixed length or fixed weight. In the chemical fiber industry, it is usually expressed in terms of fiber mass per unit length, that is, linear density. Commonly used representation methods include tex, dtex, and denier. The mass (g) of a 1000 m fiber is called tex, and 1/10 of it is dtex. The mass (g) of a 9000 m fiber is called denier. 1den=9tex.


The density of fiber refers to the mass of fiber per unit volume, in g/cm3. The density of various fibers is different. The density of several main textile fibers is shown in the table below.


Moisture Absorption

Moisture absorption is usually used to measure the ability of fiber materials to absorb moisture from a gaseous environment. Indicators that characterize moisture absorption include moisture regain or moisture content. The former refers to the percentage of the moisture content of the fiber to the dry fiber mass, and the latter refers to the percentage of the moisture content of the fiber to the actual mass of the fiber.

Fiber Crimp

Fiber Crimp

The degree of crimp is mainly an indicator for short fibers. The fiber is subjected to chemical, physical or mechanical crimping and deformation processing, and the fiber is given a certain crimp. The purpose of crimping is to improve the cohesion of the fibers, while increasing the bulkiness and elasticity of the fibers. Measurement methods include magnifying method and projection method.

Our Analytical Technology

  • Optical and electron microscopy
  • Automatic fiber crimp elasticity tester
  • Laser fiber fineness measuring instrument
  • Measurement of fiber linear density by vibration method
  • Measurement of fiber fineness by air flow method
  • Fiber rapid measurement system (AFIS method)

Cooperate With Us

  • Experienced testing and research team
  • Meet customer needs at all stages
  • Efficient and cost-effective services
  • Complete and advanced infrastructure

Our products and services are for research use only.