Fiber Materials / Alfa Chemistry

Platinum nanofiber

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Catalog ACMA00031462
Description The nanofiber can show peculiar shapes. Sometimes they can show noncrystalline order, assuming e.g. a pentagonal symmetry or a helicoidal (spiral) shape. Electrons zigzag along pentagonal tubes and spiral along helicoidal tubes.

The lack of crystalline order is due to the fact that a nanofiber is periodic only in one dimension (along its axis). Hence it can assume any order in the other directions (in plane) if this is energetically favorable.

Arrays of nanofiber / nanowhiskers are a new type of nanostructures that exhibit quasi-1D characteristics. Metallic nanofiber / nanowhiskers and multi-layered nanofiber / nanowhiskers have been successfully fabricated before.
Application There are many applications where nanowires may become important in electronic, opto-electronic and nanoelectromechanical devices, as additives in advanced composites, for metallic interconnects in nanoscale quantum devices, as field-emittors and as leads for biomolecular nanosensors. Also optical, sensing, solar cells, magnetic, and electronic device applications
Material Platinum
Notes Before using nanofibers, the user shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use, and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith.
Packaging Usually to customer specification
Specification Presently diameters nominally as small as 12 nanometers

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